Most of us pick up face wash or cleansers off the shelf, without knowing how effective its ingredients would be on our skin type. Here are a few tips on how to use a face wash, the ingredients best suited for your skin type and easy preparations for a homemade face wash or cleanser.
Specific ingredients for different skin types
Each skin type needs certain ingredients effective enough to maintain and cleanse the skin’s surface.Dermatologist, Dr Shefali Trasi suggests ingredients soothing for different skin types.
For dry skin
She says, ‘Red clay, yoghurt, honey, avocado cream, olive oil, rose oil are suitable for dry skin. You can look for these either while preparing your face wash or while buying one’.
For oily skin
‘Cucumber juice, lemon juice, jojoba oil and grape seed oil works well to manage oily skin better.’
You can use white/red clay, jojoba oil, vitamin E oil for extremely sensitive skin.
Dr Trasi says, ‘There are many different methods to prepare face washes, depending on the ingredients chosen, and the proportions may vary as per the skin type.’ However, she explains the steps to making a face wash that is suitable for most skin types:
Oatmeal and honey cleanser
- In a blender, pour 1 cup of oatmeal, add 1 tbsp of honey and ½ cup lemon juice.
- You can add 1 tbsp of any finely ground fruit or vegetable you prefer.
Quick and essential face-washing tips- Watch Videos
- It is adequate to wash your face twice a day. Don’t overdo it.
- When and if possible, use lukewarm water to wash your face.
- Pat the skin dry gently instead of rubbing your face aggressively with a towel.
- It is refreshing to apply your moisturiser/cream immediately after using a face wash while it is still damp
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